MB Wooden Railways
A different approach to wooden railways

Welcome to MB Wooden Railways, which is part of a larger site concerned with Miniature Buildings .  It discusses aspects of Brio (and compatible) railways and my own approach to them.  I am not a 'collector' of Brio, though I do have quite a lot of wooden railway track and trains from Brio and other compatible brands which comes out whenever the grandchildren come to stay.  My main interest is in building bespoke items to go with commercially available wooden railway items.  Of which by far the biggest item is my unique home made layout board.

These are the articles within the MB Wooden Railways sub-site. For a full list of articles in Miniature Buildings go to All Articles.

My unique home made layout board

The box for my train board

Modifying a swing bridge

Slopes to bridges are often too hard

A compendium of recomendations for powerful battery trains

Oirschot - An imaginary Dutch station

Brio track information from the Brio Wooden Railway Guide site

Building shipping container wagons

Listings of Brio products

As always, please e-mail Miniature Buildings if you have something to add. Comments, criticisms, extra thoughts, pictures, or even complete articles for inclusion in the Miniature Buildings site are all welcome. Or if you would like to be added to my mailing list to hear when a new article is published.

David, March 2024,