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Some thoughts on building models of all types and sizes

Some thoughts on building models of all types and sizes

Welcome. If you have not visited Minature Buildings before can I suggest you begin with my Aims and Scope article or at the Home Page. If you have visited before - welcome back. I hope this article is of interest to you.


The modelling highlight of our 2022 trip to Brittany was the "Cathédraloscope" museum of cathedral construction at Dol de Bretagne.  My photos, taken during a slightly rushed visit, do not do justice to either the detail or the quantity of what is on display.  Models displayed not just for their own sake as reproductions of prototypes but as structured explanation of how cathedrals were constructed.  Traditional models of course but also virtual 3D modelling.  And some simpler storytelling models aimed at children but fun for adults too.   There are more photos and commentary on Cathédraloscope's own website and in a YouTube video.

In the introductory room are a series of dioramas illustrating the medieval construction of cathedrals. The model above is one of four. Not the most realistic representation of the work but effective nevertheless. The close up below highlights the window detail which the modeller can be very proud of. One of the things often omitted in museums and other buildings displaying models is any information about the model and the modeller. Unlike paintings where the artist usually gets proper credit.

Moving upstairs the museum gets a lot more serious. The models are there for a purpose, as an educational tool. This is not just a museum with some interesting objects in it but a serious attempt to explain in detail the wonder that is/was cathedral construction.


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David, 27 September 2022