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Some thoughts on building models of all types and sizes

Some thoughts on building models of all types and sizes

Welcome. If you have not visited Minature Buildings before can I suggest you begin with my Aims and Scope article or at the Home Page. If you have visited before - welcome back. I hope this article is of interest to you.

William Davis

Two newspapers ( The Times and the Daily Mail) published, a while back, short illustrated articles on the work of Chichester based William Davis.  In case you have not seen them (or they disappear from view after a few days) I'm sharing them with you.

William trades as Home in Minature

If you like this sort of thing, and I certainly do, you might also like to look at the model houses site of Ben Taggart.  He describes his work as "house portraits", a phrase I shall be adopting.

As always, e-mail Miniature Buildings at if you have something to add.  Comments, criticisms, errors you have spotted, extra thoughts, pictures, or even complete articles for inclusion in the Miniature Buildings site are all welcome.  Or if you would like to be added to my mailing list to hear when a new article is published.

David, January 2021